Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sariah's Allergic Reaction

I took these on my phone to show Spencer what was going on

What a day Saturday was!! Our day started off great, we went out to breakfast with Roger Holder and some other friends who were here for the races. The girls and I then headed to Costco to get some stuff. While there we did our normal routine trying the yummy samples they have!! Well right before we left we walked by one of the sample ladies who had a sample of a nut bar, Sammi didn't want one but Sariah did she ate a tiny little bit and then handed it to me so I ate what she didn't. We then stood in line and she was getting fussy and kept rubbing her face. We finished there and were heading out side and she was still fussing and I am looking at her and her left side of her face was starting to swell up, it was obvious she was allergic to what she just ate so I immediately called to find out how much benadryl to give her, I made a couple of calls to my sister in laws and brother but ended up calling the Dr. they told me how much to give her and they told me to take her in. We got to the urgent care and they took us right in and gave her more benadryl and then a steroid medication, and waited and watched. I had Sammi with us of course and she was trying to run around like crazy, but they gave her a coloring book and she was content for a min. I thought it would be best to see if someone could come pick her up. Megan our awesome babysitter saved the day!! Sammi was SOO happy to see her and was excited to leave!! Well in the meantime Sariah proceeded to get worse and her lips began to swell worse along with the hives all over her body, to wear they immediately gave her an Epinephrine shot and called an ambulance to take her to the pediatric ER. Spencer was clear out at the Speedway so he was already on his way. He made it there, and they took Sariah and I in the ambulance and Spencer followed behind us to the hospital. When we got there she had fallen asleep which was good because she was soo uncomfortable. The Epinephrine was working and you could see the swelling starting to go down along with the hives all over her body. We had to sit there for observation because the shot only last 2 hours. The Dr. had come and talked to us about what was going on and explained that it was def. a food allergy to tree nuts not sure which ones but she would have to see an allergist this week to find out; and that she needed to stay away from ALL nuts. That means anything where nuts/nut oil are prepared. The Dr. was great at explaining everything!! He also told us from now on we had to carry an Epinephrine shot on us at all times for Sariah in case she comes in contact with what she is allergic to again, and one at home. He let us know that it will happen again at some point in her life and that we just have to be prepared and notify everyone of her allergy. What is so scary is that he explained that the next time will be worse. Each time it gets more and more violent. We are making an app. for the allergist first thing tomorrow morning. She is doing much better, but they told us we needed to watch her very closely for the next 72 hours because it is still in her system and it is not uncommon for another outbreak; but thank goodness she is doing really good!! It really stinks that this is how you have to find out!! We are just so thankful that she is home recovering great!! We love you Sariah Jo!


Sarah said...

Oh my goodness! We are so glad she is doing better! Allergies are no fun and now you have to be on guard all the time. My friend has two boys who are allergic to everything! She carries all the shots, meds, everything in a little bad in her purse. We do the same thing with Jadyn's asthma. A medical ID bracelet isn't a bad idea so those she comes in contact with will know.

Hope things keep going well and you can get the hang of this thing.

Em and Ms said...

I still can't believe all that happened so suddenly. Those pictures are crazy! Poor girl, I hope she continues to get better. Food allergies are so hard!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Shanti! She looks horrible! I would have seriously freaked out. I am so glad she is ok. Poor little thing. I miss you guys, you need to come up and visit real soon! LOVE YOU!

Abby said...

Thats sooooo Scary!!!It makes You Think about all The Kinds Of Things we Cook with and Buy To Eat..

Jaime said...

I am so glad she is doing ok. What a scary thing. Give her kisses for me.

Payton Armijo said...

Poor Baby!! I am glad that the reaction didn't get much worse. It is a scary thing. I hope that the allergist finds exactly what it is. She looks so miserable. Give her hugs and kisses!!!

Colin and Ranie said...

Oh my goodness! How scary. I am glad she is doing better. Poor thing. Love ya.