Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sammi's First Little Pre-School Class!!

On May 26 Sammi had her first day of a rec-center class!! I had prepared her for it and told her that she would be going to school!! She was SOO excited!! The first class I had her in was for 2-3 year olds but I was told that the parents were not supposed to stay in the room because they wanted it to be a class room setting. Well when we went it was def. not like that! Most of the parents stayed in the room and Sammi was bored! After the class was over I asked if it was normal for the parents to stay in the classroom the whole time and she said yes because there were two year olds in there, and she then said that Sammi would be better in the older class even though she wasnt quite 3 yet, she instructed me on how to go about moving her classes and we got clearence to have her in the older class!! The new class she is in is much better and is more like a pre-school class! And it is much closer to our house, which I LOVE!! The best part of these little classes is that they change every month as far as what they are learning, and they are much cheaper ($23.00 a month to be exact!)!!! They are doing and learning all the same stuff that they would in a pre-school class that costs much more!! Here are some pictures of her first day!! Sammi holding up her Sea Horse that she made in class!
Sammi listening and watching! (these were all taken in her first class)

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