Saturday, June 13, 2009

Daddy Daughter Camp Out!!

It was time for the father and sons camp out for my ward and because I have only spoiled princesses I took Sammi on our first camp out. She was very excited and was asking many funny questions the whole way to the Hidden Valley Ranch. When we arrived Sammi was excited to see some of the boys from our ward and immediately took off playing and running around why I got set up. Everyone got a kick out of the nonstop action Sammi displays where ever she goes. The night began to fall and the frogs came out. That was when the fun began for me. As soon has Sammi saw the first frog she fell in love and wanted to hold every frog in a 10 mile radius even after the first toad went pee all over her hand. I chased her while she chased the froggy's tell about 11:30 p.m. Then I was to tired to keep up so I took Sammi to the tent for bed, She was not ready! She fought with me for at least a hour before she finally gave up after a call to Shanti to calm her down. The Movie playing on the big screen tell 12:30 didn't help either. We slept good tell about 6 a.m. that's when I heard the small voice say" I hear birdies." And then the hunt was on for more froggy's! Luckily they were all asleep. The bishop woke up to her running around his tent and asked me "How can the smallest girl be the last one to sleep and the first one awake?" I said"welcome to my life!" But we had a blast! Here are some pics from the trip, Sammi I love you and can't wait for our next camp out!

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