Monday, August 25, 2008

Spencer's Hike With The Deacons!!

In June Spencer went on a overnight camping trip with his Deacons. They hiked a total of 12 miles, 6 miles up and 6 miles down. The day they left they hiked into the night 10:oopm to be exact, but then had to stop because it was too dark to hike anymore! Luckily all the kids remembered there sleeping bags this time so Spencer didn't have to give his up!! So they camped and started up again in the morning. Spencer was real tired when he got home he slept most the rest of the day!! Here are some pictures of his camping trip! Here is Spencer before the hike!
Spencer and some of the boys!

This is the abandoned miners cabin that was kept up by the scouts they hiked to
Spencer and the boys

Spencer after the hike!!

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