Sunday, October 21, 2007

Almost Done

Here I am 35 weeks pregnant!! I am almost done!! Sariah will be here before we know it! She has already tried to make an entrance into this world but the Dr.'s put a hault to that real quick! They take me off my medication in 9 days so she will come about the first week of November. We are so excited! Sammi just loves her mommies tummy too, she likes to play with my belly and give it kisses it is the cutes thing ever!!


Jaime said...

you look so cute. I hate to say it but I do miss those days! Just think you are going to have two in just a few weeks!

Castiel Moyes said...

Congratulations! I didn't even know you were pregnant! I can't believe that you are almost having a baby and I didn't even hear that you were expecting. You look so cute.

Sarah said...

Obviously Jess hasn't talked to Gram in awhile! I can't believe it's already time. Good luck with everything!